Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

Oh heyyyy Monday, you're back. 

Well If you are anything like me this is what you feel like on a Monday

Weekend Recap for you all

On Saturday I finished and shipped off my Cara Box (read about that here) for my partner. I'll be discussing more about that tomorrow, once my blog partner receives her box. I'm pretty sneaky with this picture:

We also went to the BBQ Fest with our good friends the Langhoff's (read about them here) and it was fun:

That was pretty much the exciting part of our weekend! Thought you were getting a really eventful post, didn't ya?? haha nope, not this week, but I did go to Target 3 times this weekend which is kinda ridiculous because I still don't think I got everything for our trip. That's right Vegas in 3 days :)

I did do a ton of DIY projects that I'm excited to show you all! Stay tuned for those ;)


  1. Haha, you're funny! Looks like fun! Can't wait to see your DIY stuff!!

  2. I can't wait to see what you got your partner for your CaraBox - and what you get in your box :) YAY! Vegas?! What?! You didn't tell me! jealous!

    1. I completely forgot in my email this morning! I'm REALLY excited for my Cara Box :))) yay!! and to see yours!!
